January 19, 2018

Q & A one

One of the things I struggle with the most is finding the time
to sort through and answer each one of your questions and
instagram comments (and DMs). I LOVE reading them, so
please continue asking... but I've decided to dedicate Friday's
blog posts to the most frequently asked questions. Hopefully
this will become a post you look forward to reading each week
as I intend to answer anything and everything from what inspires
me to how I got my start to favorite places to eat, drink, etc. 

So, ask me anything. I'm happy to answer! Shoot me an email,
leave a comment below, comment on an instagram post, or shoot
me a DM on insta. I look forward to connecting! 

Q: What do you use for your illustrations?

A: I get this question a lot... while I started years ago using
watercolors, I made the transition about 10 years ago to Prismacolor
markers and colored pencils. I find that they give me a little more
control so I can be more precise. I layer the colors to add dimension
and then retouch to add even more highlights and shadows with
colored pencils. I finish by outlining with a Pigma Micron pen (I
prefer 01). You can find all these supplies at your local Michael's,
art store, or online at Blick Art Materials (one of the least expensive
spots I've found to purchase). 


  1. I'm so excited you're doing this, can't wait to read more!

  2. Really interesting to read any how-tos about your art, your career & goals, how you stay inspired and excited about your work. Your art always strikes me as joyful...love that.



design + development by kelly christine studio